I moved to the Rain Forest for many reasons. One of the top 5 reasons was to lower my carbon footprint by using less energy, eating locally grown foods and not owning or driving a car.
For those of you in the North experiencing summer's heat, here's an Eco Tip we proudly practice: turn off your hot water heater ...save some money AND the planet.
Here in the Rain Forest, we only turn on the hot water heater in the coldest months, January and February when the temps can dip below 70 degrees. We wash all our clothes and dishes in cold water year round!
Did you know...hot water heaters use 11% of your total energy bill? Also, more and more evidence is coming out to support the historically-based anecdotal concept that starting the day with a cold shower is better for you. Cold water helps to keep your blood pressure stabilized.
One of the reasons that people have been known to survive for a long time while submerged in freezing water is because the body has a natural reaction known as the autonomic nervous system. This system controls such bodily functions as breathing and heart rate. Cold water works by triggering the autonomic nervous system, which raises blood pressure. The more you expose your body to cold water, the stronger the autonomic response gets. So by showering with cold water each day you may in fact be also stabilizing your circulatory system for the long run.
Cold water doesn’t just trigger the autonomic nervous system, it also causes cytokines and similar substances in the body to be released. Cytokines and those other substances are essentially like hormones, and their triggered release is thought to improve the body’s immune system. Several studies have found that patients who underwent cold water therapy actually experienced an increase in levels of white blood cells, which are used to stem off disease.
As if that weren’t enough, consider also that cold water stimulates the body to release endorphins. Endorphins are those hormones that not only give you that “runner’s high” after any kind of intense workout (including sex), but also are key in fighting off pain. In essence, endorphins are the body’s own natural pain relievers and, unlike certain pharmaceutical companies, the body doesn’t charge you an arm and a leg to use them.
Cold showers can also put you in a better mood, believe it or not. In addition to the stimulating qualities of the endorphins, the cold water also activates some of the nerves in your brain. The result is an exhilaration upon leaving the bathtub that you don’t feel after a warm or hot shower. How often have you stepped out of the shower in the morning and felt sluggish as you get dressed and ready to roll? Next time try a cold shower and see if you don’t feel more uplifted afterward.
There are some caveats, of course. Aren’t there always? If you are particularly thin or in poor health, your ability to tolerate the cold water may not be advanced enough to experience the benefits. It’s also a good idea to check with your doctor if you suffer from back pain, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure or other circulatory problems. This is especially true if you suffer from hypertension and aren’t being treated for it.
Cold showers have the following positive effects: * Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body. * Cleans the circulatory system. * Reduces blood pressure on internal organs. * Provides flushing for the organs and provides a new supply of blood. * Strengthens the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. * Contracts the muscles to eliminate toxins and poisonous wastes. * Strengthens the mucous membranes, which help resist hay fever, allergies, colds, coughs.
So turning off your hot water saves money, lowers your carbon footprint AND keeps you healthy. Sounds like a win/win/win to me!
So while it's hot, BE COOL/STAY COOL
Dang Wendy! I wish I could give up my hot water heater. I don't consider myself extremely thin but I associate being cold with pain. I moved from CA to FL for the warmth. I am in Heaven in the "bath water" of the gulf. I guess the alternative to the hot water heater is finding a place with hot springs :-) You are definitely an awesome leader!
Love your new blog look!
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